We then carried on to the other side of the park and found a secluded beach - we were the only ones on it. The girls were in their glory looking for shells.
The day we left ,we stopped at a wildlife park to feed some beasties. I must add in here that 5 weeks into this trip, we have yet to see a kangaroo outside of a park...except of course prone by the side of the road. The birds were amazing, flocking all around us and landing on our heads and in our laps, under our feet. Elise's experience with the magpie goose a few weeks back made her keep her distance from the birds - I don't blame her because they nipped when the food didn't come fast enough. Unfortunately, my camera batteries ran out before I could snap any more pictures and I missed capturing one of the funniest sights yet...a big wombat fast asleep on its back with its stubby little piggy legs straight up in the air. I thought is was dead until it scratched it's little wombat parts with its stubby piggy foot.
Til next time...