I'm sure that you have all heard that we are leaving the cold and rainy shores of Victoria on Jan 19th for sun, sand and Vegemite in Adelaide. It's just for a year and I'm sure it will fly by, but now that it's so close, I think we are all a little nervous.
We are frantically trying to box up and store our personal belongings, purge what we can and pack all of our summer clothes into our luggage. I am only supposed to be taking 5 pairs of shoes, but I have managed to stow away a few more - I made extra room by taking out some of Dug's sailing gear. By the time he notices, we'll be there already.
The girls are very excited, but now have realized the enormity of leaving all of their friends and family. They are most excited to see the Australian wildlife - especially kangaroos and the elusive duck billed platypus.
I have been trying to work myself up to the 27 hr plane trip to get there. It's 11 hrs to Seoul, then another 8 to Singapore and a final leg of 8 hrs to Adelaide. We do get a 24 hr stopover in Singapore to stretch our legs and shake some of the jetlag, but I think it will take an entire year to get over the flight and prepare myself for the return home!
While we are going to miss our friends and families tremendously, it's going to be a huge adventure for all of us and a great opportunity to discover a part of the world that we may not have otherwise ever seen.
Hello there! We miss you already!
Elise and Sophie, your faces positively glowed with excitement and anticipation when we saw you Friday! How wonderful! Please leave the Wombat Stew suppers to the dingos but taste all the new treats and store up lots of memories to stay with you for a lifetime! You are following in some very fine family footsteps and we doubt very much if you will ever regret this part of your life journey on which you are now embarking! Cheers from Richard Louise Nicolle and all the Kids!
Good job on packing light, sailing gear must weigh more than shoes no? I miss yer lil'uns and am so happy I got to hang out with them from the time they were such and now so grown up and off to kindy & elementary school.
27 hours of flight would make me go bonkers so hopefully it hasn't had that effect on you. I have one burning question, despite the geography course, I still want to know, when you flush the toilet, does it go the wrong way?
Would love to hear some other first impressions. Take care and post lots and I'll attempt to do the same as well.
ps one of my roomates is Scottish, so occasionally slang comes out and I'm like come again, what ye be sayin now? to the reply of get your ears checked you git.
it's good fun. His ma-mere (spelling?) sent him an awesome gravy & Yorkshire puddin recipe which we've had some good times with. righto. cheers
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